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windows socket send 为什么总返回100 找汽车维修管理软件

记账软件版1楼: 我是用socket api 写的通讯程序,当server端在通过accept返回的socket上send数据时,先设置为阻塞模式,然后发送第一个信息包,成功,当再发第二个信息包时,总返回10057错误,使用同一个函数,从client端向server端发送时则没有问题。

2楼: 10057 Socket is not connected.

Socket is not connected.
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using sendto) no address was supplied. Any other type of operation might also return this error - for example, setsockopt setting SO_KEEPALIVE if the connection has been reset. 如汽车维修管理软件

3楼: socket已经连接

4楼: 看看是不是你的服务端发送数据以后,你将套接字给关了!

5楼: 第一和第二个数据包之间没有间隔,连续发送的

6楼: 代码扔出来看看~~~